We’re highlighting our hard-working employee owners! Meet Shawn Finley.

We’re highlighting our hard-working employee owners! Meet Shawn Finley.
A family owned and operated business for 107 years, Dennis Paper & Food Service became the largest employee owned foodservice distributor in New England in 2015. The dedication to service and quality that exists at Dennis today was established 100 years ago, and will continue to thrive long into the future thanks to employee ownership.
We’re highlighting our hard-working employee owners! Meet Amy Yuen.
Congratulations to Mario Tribuzio, 2020’s Dennis Difference Award winner! Mario works diligently with passion and empathy to set his customers and coworkers up for success. Mario truly embodies the ideals of the Dennis Difference.
Throughout our safety program’s 8 year history, there have been many nominees and many outstanding candidates who make safety a part of their workday, everyday. We are proud and pleased to honor this year’s recipient…
Dennis Paper & Food Service employee owners are proud to be part of our nation’s food supply while supplying critical needs to so many during this crisis.
We’re highlighting our hard-working employee owners! Meet Dale Jameson.
On behalf of the entire Dennis Paper & Food Service team, we wish to thank all of our customers for a fantastic 2019. With your support we continue to grow our business. Smashing previous records, 2019 was one of the best years in our company history! We sincerely have you to thank for that.
Each month we’re highlighting one of our hard-working employee owners! For the month of December, we’d like you to meet Ada Hunter.
Dennis Paper & Food Service has partnered with HospitalityMaine for years. We view them as a protector of the foodservice industry. A strong backbone that keeps our customers sustainable and profitable.
We’re highlighting our hard-working employee owners! Meet Mike Lawson.
We’re highlighting our hard-working employee owners! Meet Tylor Hunter.
U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) visited Dennis Paper & Food Service in Hampden yesterday to meet with management and employees and tour the warehouse.
We’re highlighting our hard-working employee owners! Meet Cory Pearl.
Dennis has not only been smashing production, shipment and sales records – we are breaking safety records as well! We’ve reached a new milestone for employee safety; surpassing four years without a Lost Time Accident or Injury. What an accomplishment!
Tom Whited, an Account Executive at Dennis Paper & Food Service, is retiring this month after twelve and a half years of service. During that time he not only helped our company grow, he helped many hard-working foodservice operators grown their businesses as well.
Congratulations to Steve Ropiak, this year’s Dennis Difference Award winner! At work and in his community, Steve always goes the extra mile and epitomizes the true spirit of what the Dennis Difference Award is all about…
Throughout our safety program’s almost 7 year history, there have been many nominees and many of those have even received multiple nominations. Such is the case for this year’s Safety Person of the Year winner.
This week, September 9-15, 2018 the nation takes time to recognize and thank the men and women who conquer our roads every day, rain or shine. If it wasn’t for their hard work in all manner of weather and conditions, our businesses simply wouldn’t run the same. At Dennis alone, our drivers are on the road 6 days a week; up before dawn transporting food to New England’s favorite places to dine! Our fleet travels over 1 million miles per year delivering millions of cases. “Thank You!” We couldn’t do what we do without our amazing team of drivers!
In the United States, Flag Day is celebrated on June 14. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened on June 14, 1777, by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. The United States Army also celebrates the U.S. Army Birthdays on this date; Congress adopted “the American continental army” after reaching a consensus position in the Committee of the Whole on June 14, 1775.
One of the best things I get to do as the Safety Guy at Dennis Paper & Food Service is recognize exceptional employees who work hard and do it safely. I’m proud to say that a culture of safety exists among our team, something that shows with our safety record and the fact that (as of today) we are 1035 days without a lost-time accident or injury. Employees who show up every day and do their job well, and do it safely, help make my job a lot easier…
The Dennis Difference Award is presented to one deserving employee each year. This person is nominated by their peers. Among several considerations, the award is voted on and honors the employee’s distinguished commitment to upholding our company values.
Making Plant-Based Eating Doable and Desirable in K-12 and Healthcare Webinar: Thursday, March 8, 2018: 2-3 PM Eastern. Attend this webinar to explore the growing trend of plant based diets and examine their nutritional adequacy in K-12 and Healthcare as well as visualize enticing ways to prepare veggie cuisine.
“From the finest meats and cheeses, to compostable cups, to fried clams, Dennis Paper & Food Service plays a key role in the restaurant biz. Employee owned since 2015, the Hampden-based food service company has its heart in the right place.”
Last year we took home a trophy for Best in Show for a corporate entry. This year we said that we were defending our title and we meant it! The 2017 Dennis Paper & Food Service float took home the gold for Best Commercial Entry and Best Overall Entry! An impressive feat, as our float beat out over 80 other entries.